Coalition for App Fairness Statement on the Passage of Japan’s Smartphone Software Competition Promotion Act

TOKYO, JAPAN – Today, Rick VanMeter, executive director of The Coalition for App Fairness (CAF), released the following statement after the Japanese Diet passed the Smartphone Software Competition Promotion Act (SSCPA), which will grant the Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) new authorities to address the harmful, anti-competitive practices of mobile app monopolists, Apple and Google.  

“The bill that was passed by the Japanese Government and Diet will bring an end to Apple’s and Google’s anticompetitive mobile app practices. Japanese consumers and developers everywhere will benefit from greater choice, lower costs and a more secure mobile app ecosystem. 

“For years, app store gatekeepers have maintained their ironclad control over Japan’s mobile app ecosystem. With strong enforcement of the new law, consumers will be able to choose how they download apps on their phone and make in-app purchases, and developers will be able to compete fairly in the marketplace.” 


The Coalition for App Fairness is an independent nonprofit organization formed to protect consumer choice, foster competition, and create a level playing field for all app and game developers globally. Originally formed by Basecamp, Blix,, Deezer, Epic Games, the European Publishers Council, Match Group, News Media Europe, Prepear, Proton, Skydemon, Spotify, and Life360, CAF has rapidly grown from 13 to more than 80 members since launching in September 2020. CAF offers membership to companies of any size — join today at 

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