European Parliament Plenary Vote on the EU Digital Markets Act (DMA) Receives Widespread Cross-Party Support

BRUSSELS – Today’s European Parliament plenary vote on the EU Digital Markets Act demonstrates that the call for app store reform has been heard in Brussels. The Coalition for App Fairness is pleased to see significant cross-party support for ending the anti-competitive practices of large app stores and introducing ambitious measures to ensure consumers have more choice over their favorite apps – from how app stores use their data, to the method of payment, to the provision of alternative app stores.

“The European Parliament’s adopted text shows the overwhelming concern MEPs have for protecting consumers and app developers from gatekeepers’ unfair and anti-competitive behaviors,” said Meghan DiMuzio, executive director of the Coalition for App Fairness. “It would ensure developers can communicate with their customers about deals they might be interested in, but also prohibit app stores from taking advantage of a developer’s own data, as collected through the platform, to compete with that developer.”

“We congratulate lead rapporteur Andreas Schwab on this accomplishment and encourage the Parliament to see these amendments through during its upcoming negotiations with the Council”, DiMuzio added.

Representing over 60 app businesses and developers, CAF maintains that a strong DMA in Europe can set a great example of fair competition and consumer choice for the rest of the world. We look forward to supporting the European Parliament’s efforts as it commences negotiations on a final legislative text with the Council of the EU next year.


About the Coalition for App Fairness

The Coalition for App Fairness is an independent nonprofit organization formed to protect consumer choice, foster competition, and create a level playing field for all app and game developers globally. Originally formed by Basecamp, Blix,, Deezer, Epic Games, the European Publishers Council, Match Group, News Media Europe, Prepear, Protonmail, Skydemon, Spotify, and Tile, CAF has rapidly grown from 13 to over 60 members since launching in September 2020. CAF offers membership to companies of any size — join today at

CAF Contact

Rick VanMeter
[email protected]

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