App developers
deserve a level playing field
The Coalition for App Fairness is an independent nonprofit organization founded by industry-leading companies to advocate for freedom of choice and fair competition across the app ecosystem.
our vision
We believe that every app developer is entitled to fair treatment and that every consumer should have complete control over their own device. Our App Store Principles will ensure a level playing field for platforms like Apple and a consistent standard of conduct across the app ecosystem. Learn more about our principles here.
the issues

about the coalition
Two companies have near-total control over the entire mobile ecosystem and what apps consumers get to use. After nearly a decade with no oversight, regulation, or fair competition, it’s time for Apple and Google to be held accountable
The Coalition for App Fairness aims to create a level playing field for app businesses and give people freedom of choice on their devices. Our members want every app developer to have an equal opportunity to innovate and engage in commerce, free from draconian policies, unfair taxes, or monopolistic control. In the past, individual companies have spoken out against the App Store policies through efforts like Spotify’s Time to Play Fair and Epic Games’ #FreeFortnite campaign. Today, these companies and many others are joining forces to speak as one.
The Coalition represents all innovators — from startups to small developers to indie studios to first-time creators. Have your voice heard by joining the Coalition today.

The global tide is turning
App store gatekeepers have carefully crafted their mobile device ecosystems to eliminate competition and maximize their own control and profits, to the detriment of developers and consumers. Now policymakers and regulators around the world are starting to see these anti-competitive practices for what they are and taking steps to open the app marketplace to competition.