United States and the Americas
The Open App Markets Act has generated broad bipartisan support in the U.S. Congress. Click on the blue square to learn more about how this bill will protect American consumers and end app store monopolies.

United States
The Open Apps Market Act (OAMA) is a bipartisan solution that would prohibit anti-competitive practices in the app marketplace, fix the broken app economy, and give consumers more choice and freedom. The legislation prohibits covered companies (i.e., a company that owns or controls an app store with more than 50 million U.S. users) from (1) requiring developers to use an in-app payment system owned or controlled by the company as a condition of distribution or accessibility; (2) requiring that pricing or sale conditions be equal to or more favorable on its app store than another app store; or (3) penalizing a developer for using or offering different pricing terms or sale conditions through another in-app payment system or on another app store.
In September and October 2022, respectively, the Federal Economic Competition Commission (COFECE) and the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) announced the launch of two separate investigations focused on the mobile app marketplace in Mexico. Both investigations will focus on possible monopolistic conduct in the app store marketplace and include an examination of the mechanisms through which payments are processed in App Stores.
United States
The Open Apps Market Act (OAMA) is a bipartisan solution that would prohibit anti-competitive practices in the app marketplace, fix the broken app economy, and give consumers more choice and freedom. The legislation prohibits covered companies (i.e., a company that owns or controls an app store with more than 50 million U.S. users) from (1) requiring developers to use an in-app payment system owned or controlled by the company as a condition of distribution or accessibility; (2) requiring that pricing or sale conditions be equal to or more favorable on its app store than another app store; or (3) penalizing a developer for using or offering different pricing terms or sale conditions through another in-app payment system or on another app store.
In September and October 2022, respectively, the Federal Economic Competition Commission (COFECE) and the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) announced the launch of two separate investigations focused on the mobile app marketplace in Mexico. Both investigations will focus on possible monopolistic conduct in the app store marketplace and include an examination of the mechanisms through which payments are processed in App Stores.