case study: Blockchain is the world’s most trusted platform for transacting in crypto. Whether it’s trading, earning rewards, checking payment status, or lending crypto, offers the most established and widely used way to invest in cryptocurrency for tens of millions of customers in nearly 200 countries. As a company on the forefront of the global AI and crypto revolution, it is surely vital for a company like to be unrestricted by petty and arbitrary restrictions from Apple and Google, yet they are faced with a wall of issues. As’s primary customer base uses Apple and iOS, the business must adhere to Apple’s rules as a ‘necessary evil’.

Lack of Transparency

Apple’s vagrant lack of transparency in the app review process is proving problematic. has had updates blocked for no reason in the past, with no explanation for the block, and no guidance on how they can pivot to avoid a repeat. The first major obstacle came in February 2014, when its Wallet was temporarily removed from the app store with no explanation. and others soon realized Apple had begun removing bitcoin apps from the iOS App Store after a flurry of crypto market activity at the end of 2013—clearly acting in its own self-interest, and not in the interest of their customer or business base. This led to a public outcry from the Bitcoin community. Finally, Apple reinstated their Wallet in July 2014, yet this demonstrates the complete power Apple have over all companies that use their platform, and how they have business success in the palm of their hand, with the power to destroy businesses instantly.

Apple are playing judge, jury, and executioner for businesses.

There is further concern about development tools, and how Apple is preventing app developers from deploying fixes quickly, causing obsolescence and reducing the quality of delivery. Greater transparency would allow app developers to more effectively curate the user experience and allocate marketing budgets—which is something Apple prevents under the false guise of user privacy, something we know isn’t close to Apples heart.

Apple’s Relationship with Crypto and Digital Assets

Apple’s rules on crypto and digital assets are fickle, it isn’t sure on its stance, and it has the power to decide to ban crypto apps altogether overnight, so is operating with the assumption it could be removed from the App Store at any time—which as one could expect, does not create a healthy and sustained environment for growth.

Apple has decided that digital assets aren’t allowed to be advertised, and decides access levels to digital assets for customers, once again demonstrating the level of control Apple maintains over those who have no choice but to use their platform.

In any other industry, this would rightly be called out and swiftly remedied. The DMCC bill provides a roadmap to a better future, one that doesn’t include a stranglehold over the ecosystem.

Apple is preventing app developers from deploying fixes quickly, causing obsolescence and reducing the quality of delivery."

other Case Studies

The App Store Limits Consumer Freedom

If consumers want to use a modern mobile device, Apple and Google levy taxes that no one can avoid. No competition, no options, no recourse. The Apple App Store and Google Play Store policies are prisons that consumers are required to pay for and that developers cannot escape.

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